Hill climb racing 2

Game Introduction

How To Play

★Hill Climb Racing 2★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Here is teamBlazers’s entry to The Blazing Cup ★controls★ -maxed out vehicle code: 24123500 click the load button and enter the code above and it will load the cars with maxed upgrades and they will be faster (Cheat code if you dont want to grind for maxed cars) -if you are experiencing lag try playing here: https://turbowarp.org/876435507 - Use the keys A and L to use the pedals on computer -tap the pedals on mobile to use them - A and L are the key binds so that you can use two hands to control the game -the right pedal accelerates the car when it is on the ground It also rotates the car anti-clockwise when it is in the air -the left pedal decelerates the car when it is on the ground it also rotates the car clockwise when it is in the air -press both pedals(on computer) to active jump shocks -swipe when you are in the garage/Home Screen to see the different cars -swipe up in the leader board box to scroll down ★story line★ Once upon a time, there was a farmer whose name was Bill. He lived in the countryside really far away from any big city. Bill enjoyed cultivating with his mate Sarah, a girl who came from a city because she was accused of crimes she did not commit. One day, the harvesting day, they had to harvest twenty five wheat acres. It was really early, it was 6 am, they had a lot of work to do. They were about to start harvesting when Bill remembered that he forgot the keys of the tractor and other vehicles. He told Sarah to start working without him, and that is what she did. Bill came home and took the keys, then he came back to work. Sarah was not there. Where did she go? Bill started crying and started to find Sarah. He did not know what was happening. He picked up his car and he decided not to stop until he finds Sarah. ★further notes ★ -please notify me of any glitches -stop the project and press the o key to play the outro -Gameplay: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/TTuWNydc5Kw/ ★cloud system ★ -the cloud wont work for new scratchers -basically broken due to a scratch bug ★stats★ -23k+ blocks -game 4 weeks of work -Intro 1 week of work -outro 1 week of work ★credits + team info★ @wolther for the game, intro and outro @StellarHD for the music @Polipo25 for the storyline and beta-game testing Associated with team blazers- https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32275794/ Fingersoft’s game Hill Climb Racing 2 was the key inspiration for this project and most of the mechanics and art was designed based on their game @twonerds for the American captain font @griffpatch for the coin sound Outro- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/836773213 Intro - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/821664900 ★tags★ wolther




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