HACKED Mello 2 // A platformer

Game Introduction

-----Update 6/9/2024----- - Changed music for kicks. For a hacked version of the first mello, go here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1061970965/ @Chipm0nk deserves all the credit. IF YOU THINK YOU BROKE THE GAME, THE GLITCH HAS ALREADY BEEN FOUND. JUST PRESS R. nothing here try that somewhere else. I feel like rewarding you for coming down here... go to @Gigaprogramguy and say "dookie" lool

How To Play

Um... you can't die. press r to restart press spacebar to teleport (glitchy if you do it on a section of the level that's not the first section) !THIS IS AN AD-FREE ZONE!




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

576 favorites