Polyrhythm remix

Game Introduction

How To Play

My remix of this lovely project by @Fun_Random_Games just changes the musical notes to a major scale, instead of chromatic notes. Now it plays a different set of chords and strange melodies, which I thought was interesting... I recommend playing with the sliders at the bottom left to see what you can make it do. - ericr --<>{}x{}<> Polyrhythm <>{}x{}<>-- "Polyrhythm: a rhythm that makes use of two or more rhythms simultaneously." - Google.com The outer balls traverse the hemicircle *slightly* faster than the inner ones. At first, this discrepancy does not appear to have much impact; however, as time goes on, this small difference accumulates as neat patterns occur as certain balls fall in and out of sync. Eventually, this chaos returns to order, and the cycle begins anew. Instructions: -The two colourful dots on the right will both open the colour picker, and determine if you are modifying the inner or outer colour. -The arrows closeby will swap the inner and outer colours. -The red dot at the top of the colour picker closes it. -The top slider controls the ball speed. -The middle slider controls the number of balls. -The bottom slider controls the volume.




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