Minecraft-ish MMO Plus v1.8.6
Game Introduction
Now on Popular when you search “Minecraft-ish MMO”! Thank you all for your support! Check out the brand-new, 4x bigger map, and 50+ new items server here (still a work in progress): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/910988451/ What’s changed in this remix? - Updated map! - Added new items! Credits to @griffpatch for the original project. NOTE: v1.8.4 is the final update to include new content to this game, and only bugfixes will be released if possible. Well, all good things must come to an end. However, a brand-new, expanded server is out now, with even more exciting features! Update History: v1.8.6: - Fixed bug where cookies could not be eaten v1.8.5: - Fixed a bug v1.8.4: - Added Quartz! (Not in-game) v1.8.3: - Added Fungus! - Added Fungus Stems! v1.8.2: - Increased the number of Mud Bricks you get from crafting from 1 to 4. v1.8.1: - Added Mud, Packed Mud and Mud Bricks! - Mud can be crafted with water and dirt. - Added Glow Berries! v1.8: - Added Gold Nuggets! You can smelt gold tools and armour for 1 gold nugget. (It’s not worth it so don’t do it lol) - Added Glistering Melon Slices! v1.7.9: - Added Melon Slices! - Fixed a bug v1.7.8: - Added Nylium! - Added Crimson/Warped Fungus Blocks and Planks! Note that the items added in this update will NOT be featured in this remix, but will be featured in an upcoming new remix. v1.7.7: - Removed pumpkins on cacti in the desert. - Added more pumpkins on the level! XD v1.7.6: - Edited costume for cookies, used from @PointerOS_Software’s server v1.7.5: - Added Pumpkin Pie! To craft it, you need 1 pumpkin, 1 sugar and 1 egg. v1.7.4: - Just a tiny change to allow specific people to join even when I lock the project to edit. v1.7.3: - New Structures like Ruined Nether Portal! - New secret sky isles! - Updates to level! v1.7.2: - Edited thumbnail! v1.7.1: - Added thumbnail! v1.7: This is one of the biggest updates yet! - New Snow biome featuring snowy grass, ice and snow blocks! - Emeralds and Copper are now obtainable! - Added villager house! - Even more updates to the level, including a new secret room! v1.6.1: - Updates to the level! v1.6: - Updates to level! - Added Mossy Cobblestone! - Added Crying Obsidian! - Added Nether Bricks! - Added Ancient Debris! - Added Ice! Note: The above items except for mossy cobblestone are not yet on the map or craftable, and can only be obtained through inventory editing. v1.5.2: - Fixed a bug where emeralds and copper ingots were solid and you could stand on them… lol v1.5.1: - Cookies are now craftable… I hope! v1.5: - Added Cocoa and Cocoa Beans! - Added Cookies, but they aren’t craftable yet due to a bug. v1.4.7: - Iron Bars are now craftable! (Note: You need 6 iron ingots to craft 6 Iron Bars. This is less than the 16 in the real Minecraft, but I had to reduce it to prevent people spamming them. - Emeralds and Copper blocks are now craftable! v1.4.6: - Added Netherrack! - Added Glowstone! - Added Soul Sand! - Added Soul Soil! - Added Granite! - Added Emeralds! - Added Copper! - Added Iron Bars! Note: The above items are not yet on the map and can only be obtained through inventory editing. Plus, emerald blocks, copper blocks and iron bars are currently not craftable. v1.4.5: - Added Golden Apples! They are not on the level yet, but can be crafted with a crafting table using an apple and 8 gold ingots! v1.4.4: - Added Hay Bales! They are equal to 9 stacks of wheat. - Updated treehouse area and farm! v1.4.3: - Added Magma Blocks and water! v1.4.2: - Fixed a bug v1.4.1: - Added new secret sky isles! - Added new secret room with the new "Yoshi_Coder" block! - More edits to the level! v1.4: - Added Melons! v1.3.1: - Added new block! It looks like my regular PFP, but it’s currently not added in the map yet. v1.3: - Added new sky islands! - Added another obsidian isle! - Added more secret treasures! v1.2.3: - Added new secret area v1.2.2: - Updated spruce tree area - Extended desert - Increased stack limit to 64 - Added more secrets v1.2.1: Extended jungle area again, and added a few more trees because why not :) v1.2: The jungle trees area now has sugar cane! v1.1: The area near the well is now covered with jungle trees! v1.0.1: Small changes to the map. v1.0: - Release - Added more secret treasures in underground areas
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