Minecraft-ish MMO XL v0.7.2
Game Introduction
*Please note that the level is far from finished, and not every new item may be obtainable yet!* ————————————————————————— What’s changed in this remix? - Increased World Size by 4x! - Added over 50 new items! - Added Experimental Mobile-Friendly Mode! (Go into project editor and enable) - Added tool functionality (thanks to @DrMario23)! Update History: v0.7.2: - Fixed the bug where cookies cannot be eaten. v0.7.1: - Food Chests can now drop Apples, Golden Apples, and Cake. v0.7: - Added Cow Masks! - Fixed the dark area at the top of the level, but you can’t place anything there (this bug may not be fixable without restarting the entire level) v0.6.4: - Updated Map! v0.6.3: - Added preparations for more armour, including netherite armour and more mob masks! v0.6.2: - Shovels speed up the breaking time of dirt, sand, gravel etc! - Added display for status effects! There’s still a few bugs but they will be fixed soon! v0.6.1: - Fixed a bug - Now Axes speed up the breaking time of wood! - Corrected the digging tools for each new block in the _BLOCK_DATA v0.6: - Pickaxes now work! Thank you to @DrMario23! v0.5: - Special status effects have been added! These are obtained by eating golden apples. Currently, there are 3 effects: - Speed Increase (increases the speed of the player) - Jump Boost (increases jump height, player can make a 3-block height jump) - Quick Mining (Speeds up mining time by 30%) v0.4.8: - Added more Terracotta colours! - Quartz blocks cannot be crafted back into quartz. v0.4.7: - Small changes to the level! v0.4.6: - Added Terracotta! - Made edits to crafting and smelting clay because of the addition of terracotta. Clay now drops 4 clay balls when mined, which is smelted into single bricks, which require 4 to craft a brick block. Clay blocks can be crafted using 4 clay balls and smelt into terracotta. v0.4.5: - Added currently unobtainable Enchanted Golden Apple! v0.4.4: - Added new secret areas! - Updated Nether! v0.4.3: - Updates to the village! - Cherry wood can now be crafted into crafting tables and sticks! - The new wood items (cherry, warped, crimson etc) can now be used as furnace fuel, and can be smelted into charcoal! v0.4.2: - Updated map, especially the village area! v0.4.1: - Increased the chance of apples spawning from oak tree saplings. v0.4: - Added cherry blossom biome, with cherry trees and planks! v0.3.2: - Added a new type of chest that drops food when broken. v0.3.1: - Added New Birch Biome! v0.3: - Added Nether biome! Netherite is now obtainable! v0.2.1: - Fixed an issue where the project would be unavailable for most users… whoops! - Now you can’t spawn in an empty area. v0.2: - Added Village and Badlands biome! v0.1: - 4x Bigger World! - 50+ New Items! - Experimental Mobile Mode that can CURRENTLY only be enabled through the project editor.
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