Pizza Tower John Gutter (sort of) v3.8

Game Introduction

sperbros for the project idea tour de pizza for pizza tower me for stuff (and the code) creators of the lap 3 to lap 7 mod for the laps RecD for Pizza time, The Death I Deservioli and Pillar John's Revenge all with lyrics The creators of the Playable Fake Peppino mod The creators of the Pizza Tower Round 2 mod The creators of the Lap Hell Pizza Pursuit mod The creators of the Lap 10 Diamond Edition mod The Pizza Tower wiki + The Spriters Resource for the sprites And finally the creators of Egg's Lap Mod Version History: v1.0 Released to public. v1.1 Added timer from war for lap 4, gave super Snick.exe a png, added the lap flags for when you go do laps 4 to 7. v1.2 Added the music for laps 5 to 7 and made it so that you can just press u before pizza time to play Unearthly Blues With Lyrics, i during pizza time to play Pizza Time With Lyrics, t during lap 2 to play The Death I Deservioli With Lyrics and finally press p during lap 3 to play Pillar John's Revenge With Lyrics v1.3 Added John Ghost for when you do lap 5 v1.4 Added secret treasure, the rest of the toppins and the rest of John Gutter (and by that i mean the rest of the rooms of John Gutter) v1.5 Bug fixes, secrets work v1.6 Added more enemies (not all of them because its hard to add them in their spot but i will be adding all of them eventually) (i'm to lazy to add mini johns and swedish monkeys so im replacing them with forknights) v1.7 Fixed the exit door bug (the bug was that if you tried to finish the level it would not work) v1.8 Snick and Super Snick have been nerfed (speed wise) and Pizzaface in that one room thats hard is very slow. v1.9 Added more enemies and some enemies spawn in during Pizza Time!. v2.0 enemies spawn in during laps 2 to 7 v2.1 p-ranks are obtainable, fake santa and the snowman have been added, snick is fast again and added a newer lap 7 flag (also the captain pizza goblin appears... but only as a decoration) v2.2 killed enemies give 10 points and Snick.Exe, John ghost and fake santa have death animations when you finish the level on their respective laps (or see them all on lap 7) v2.3 Fake Peppino is now a playable character! Press f to change into him. v2.4 The Vigilante is now a playable character! Press h to change into him. 2024-06-30 saw that this got 2000 views so thank you for 2000 views on this project. v2.5 Added some tv sprites for the Vigilante. v2.6 Gustavo is now a playable character! Press g to change into him. v2.7 ERR 2 v2.8 LAP 15! (this lap is insane with every threat and some threats are doubled) v2.9 Fixed a bug where the tomato, john and pizzaface doubled on their respective laps (3, 5 and 8) instead of doubling on lap 13 and 15 respectively and added music for laps 11-15. v3.0 Added Boots.exe v3.1 Added Swedish Monkey (I take back what i said about not adding the Swediah Monkey(It's also buggy because of that darn banana)) v3.2 Removed that darn banana v3.3 Added some pizza points v3.4 Fixed fake santa v3.5 John ghost sort of rubberbands to your position v3.6 Spoooooooky, added the pumpkin ghost from tricky treat ONLY APPEARS DURING HALLOWEEN DAY. 3.7 Tried to port to the newest version, failed terribly, will fix enemie bug tomorrow

How To Play

wasd or arrow keys to move Z to jump X to run C to dash V to taunt (can't parry or super taunt) Special moves: You can grab enemies You can uppercut by pressing the up key + C You can wallrun by jumping onto a wall when running at mach 2 or 3 You can walljump by wallruning + Z




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