2.5d Engine

Game Introduction

2.5D Game Engine! Let's use this to make cool new 2.5d Scratch games! I will love and favorite good remixes! 2.5Dゲームエンジンです! 新しいスタイルで2.5D作品を作ってみましょう! Read comments inside explaining the code. 作品の中には説明メモを書いておきました Tips for making levels: - Don't put too many buildings - Don't put too many buildings on top of each other I will use this to make a sequel to Fortnite Z. And maybe could be used to make a platformer RPG. このエンジンを使ってフォートナイトシューターゲームやRPGを作ってみたいと思っています I've been trying to make a 2.5D game since 2022, but they always have many bugs and it's difficult to make it so you can stand on top of buildings as well as stacking buildings. But finally I decided to see if I could make these features, and it kind of works! And finally fixed most bugs with slopes and layering! やっと2.5Dができたと思います!バグがあったら教えてください Video of me working on this project, getting the layering working レイヤリングを作ってる動画 https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/JxDvO6MBa_4 Important moments: 28:57, 36:33, 1:18:57, 1:57:59, 2:00:30, 2:02:52, 2:10:45 Please follow if you like these kinds of games! ハートスターフォローよろしくお願いします! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/815938308/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/734212921/ Everything is Scratch Vector 全てベクター @griffpatch Layering script @Pikurin さん Bread and butter パンとバターのイラスト Years of random scratch practice and scripts BGM: Miles Davis & Charlie Parker - A Night in Tunisia @Shorty-- SAX Fiend

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