Roblox Blade Ball
Game Introduction
How To Play
▶️ Use WASD or arrow keys to move. Press f, space, or click to block the ball. Press q to use an ability. ❤️ + ⭐ + Follow me for more games! There is a how to play with more instructions. You can double jump! You have to hit the ball on time or else it's game over. Don't use turbo mode. It breaks the game. ✨ This game is mobile friendly! You can't move and block at the same time on mobile. This game also has 2 player mode! Play with a friend! Normal and hard difficulty count as a win on the leaderboard. The leaderboard has 50 players. ⚠️ Warning: Leaving the game resets all data. You can't use the leaderboard if you're a new scratcher. (If someone hacks the leaderboard, let me know) ⚡ Get more than 10 hardcore wins to unlock the bacon hair skin! Admin Gamepass: Everyone gets the bacon hair skin and all abilities for free. Only a few people are selected. ▶️ Credits @griffpatch for platforming engine @RokCoder for leaderboard @MateoTheExplorer for inspiration Wiggity. for Blade Ball ✨ Thanks for 1st on trending all, games, and 1st on popular all on the explore page! ✨ This got top loved and top remixed! ✨ 30,000+ loves and 2 million+ views Code: Enter "popular" for 200 free coins Hacked version is out!
Game Information
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33.1k favorites