Taking Griffpatch's Stretching Sprites to the next Logical Extreme

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Griffpatch made a new video on Stretching sprites and it feels like a new feature, lol But why stop at just the fish eye effect? Why not try animating with stuff like the whirl effect? ...And then I made this project so- Here you go! I genuinely think there are infinite possibilities with this kind of animation, especially, with all of these animations using sine and cosine functions to make them loop. Released: 12/3/2023 For those who want the details: You can use these in your projects, though, fair warning, they might be hard to use...? Also I super recommend editing them for specific purposes, but otherwise, go nuts ! The whirl effect is basically a skew effect in this context. it doesn't do much to the bottom of the sprite, but, it is enough to add just a *little* more flair to these types of motion animations. Also, there are only two costumes that don't have the box at the feet of the scratch cat, that would be the glitching and water cats. Also, all of the animations use variations of sine and cosine, as mentioned before, however, there's some odd manipulations of them within this project. These can be used to make various other animations, and these are good building blocks for all of these animations (I suggest plugging these into a graphing calculator!!) Bounce: sin(x)| Sway: sin(x) + (sin(3x) * 0.5) Twitchy: sin(x)^2 * sin(5x)^2 Then the Glitching one uses a tangent function, which is very unstable, but it's useful if you are going for, well, and unstable kind of animation, and it works reallllllly well. And that's about it! The rest is just manipulating those functions and modifying the amplitudes and speeds of sine functions on those graphic effects. (Also, I will probably make a project on sine animations in the future, I think I have a very good understanding of them, and people could really use it. =o) I just need time though!!! EEK!!! Surprise penguino <333 ( '>') yus




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