Winter Warzone
Game Introduction
✦ Follow this guy @yoshihome for a surprise on your profile ✦ ======================================== ✦ Credits: ✦ Thanks for the art ✦ Thanks to me for all the code ;) ✦ Thanks to Google Drawings for the fonts ========================================= Project Info: ✦✦ MY TIMEZONE: Eastern Daylight Time ✦✦ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ✦ January, 6, 1:00PM, Release date ✦ January 6, 1:25PM, 57 Views ✦ January 6, 1:50PM, 80 Views Comment: RUNNERSSSif you found this
How To Play
✦✦ Hello and welcome to my game! "Winter Warzone"! I made this game in three days... Idk lmao... Sorry for the slight genericness . ✦✦ VIEW THIS URGENT!! ========================================= ✦ Shoutout Section! ✦ - First view: @Vorbal ========================================= Projects stats: Variables: 40 Lists: 4 Sprites: 15 Scripts: 98 Blocks of code: 1,167 Assets: 193 =========================================== YoshiFire Tags: #yoshihome is the end of the instructions! Byeee! ;) Or is it? #All You've reached the bottom! To let me know you came here, love and fave ;) I'll
Game Information
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2.0k favorites