Game Introduction
.★ DAY 10: RAINBOW ★. (CLOSED) ------------------------ day 10 is a raffle THE WINNER IS TICKET 58 - @MIDNIGHTSKYES
How To Play
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 2K I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS AHGHGHGHGHHHH!!! PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE ENTERING! ----------------------------------------------- .★ RULES ★. - NOT FCFS, none of these are FCFS!!! - You MUST be following me to get one of these, new followers always welcome!! - Please don't "only follow if you win", you have to be following to participate - Don't guilt trip, don't be a jerk and don't beg! - YOU GET 10 GUESSES PER DAY, USE THEM WISELY!! - If you win, DO NOT SELL THESE DESIGNS (unless commissioned art is added)! if you no longer want them, please give them back to me. - PLEASE, only enter for the characters if you will use them, please don't enter if you'll just let them sit in the dust. - Don't enter if you wont use them, again ----------------------------------------------- .★ INSTRUCTIONS ★. - Everyday for 10 days I will reveal a design + its respective challenge. - Each day will have a different challenge or guess something to get the design, Winners will be determined in the next day! - The resources button has free to use bases and moodboards made by me! I used them for this event so you can consider them sneak peaks! - Comment your answers!
Game Information
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364 favorites