- Glow Platformer Adventure! -

Game Introduction

Part 2 is out! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/957672427/ তততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত Advertising ✅ Feedback ✅ Ideas ✅ Remixes ✅ তততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত Hey! I'm Ghxstify, a small game creator. I make games for the fun of it and hope people will enjoy them! Please consider following me to stay updated! Have an amazing day! :) তততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত Tags: #Games

How To Play

Arrow keys to move and jump তততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত Try to reach the end! তততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত ❤ and ⭐ for RAINBOW CHARACTER! তততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত You are Glow, a small adventurer on a conquest to find the treasure you have heard rumors about. As you venture you will find secrets and pass dangerous levels as you progress on your way to finding the big prize at the end! What will happen next? Comment what you think! তততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত Template by JoelGalaxyKing




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