Gone but not Forgotten | Animation
Game Introduction
I'm fed up of all of your ads PLEASE STOP. You can stop telling me its lagging too - its nothing to do with my animation, just Scratch can't handle all of the frames very well. Thanks.
How To Play
GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone but not Forgotten is an animation featuring birds which have gone extinct. I hope you enjoy watching it and that you learn something more about extinct birds. This is possibly my largest project, and lots of frames and time has gone into this. I also did a lot of research on the species which feature in this project, learning what they ate and what species were similar to them so that I can reference of those birds too. I enjoy replicating species from the past and animating them to act like a real creature, so this project means a lot to me. It was so fun to do. If the project lags or is clunky go to TurboWarp: https://turbowarp.org/965924517/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SPECIES 1st bird - Kauai O'o 2nd bird - Carolina Parakeet 3rd bird - Dodo 4th bird - Passenger Pigeon 5th bird - Great Auk 6th bird - Labrador Duck ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS - Animation Art: @mistake44 Code: @mistake44 - Bird song & Reference Kauai O'o song: C Fred Zeillemaker on eBird Carolina Parakeet call (actually a Sun Parakeet): Arthur Gomes on eBird Great Auk call (actually a Razorbill): Chencho Fdez Fdez on ebird Seabird calls: Bob McGuire on ebird Bird References: Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Music and Effects Background Music: Slow Sad Epic Piano (Power Of Your Heart) by Ashot-Danielyan-Composer on Pixabay Background Birdsong: Pixabay Sound effects: Pixabay Thank you to the Scratch Team for giving me my fourth featured project on the 25/04/2024 (the day before my birthday!) 80th on trending! (20 rows down). Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAGS #All
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