Mech (jointed) V1.9

Game Introduction

Thanks @MadhaviNori for curating this project! If you love the project, love the project! Thanks! :)) Check out my new project using this joint system. It is also a tribute to Crypticlassified: ASK BEFORE REMIXING, please. A mech that I made in Scratch 1.4 offline editor to experiment with joints. This is just a sample, and the actual thing will be shared in a while or two. This is not yet complete, and is not a perfect representation of the actual project. V1 A simple looking mech. Nothing special. V1.1 Added a walking cycle. V1.2 Added a laser rifle, or turret. V1.3 Changed the walking cycle. V1.4 Fixed the bobbing and added ground. V1.5 Added detonation, a physics substitute and fixed glitches. Note: These following updates are not uploaded, and will not BE uploaded until the game release. I will add them as I make them. V1.6 Added a menu screen, some GUIs and a respawn feature. V1.7 Added the 2nd mech: Xoxylus. V1.8 Added a text engine for missions and stories. Fixed glitches. V1.9 Added effects and tests. Fixed glitches. Curated 2/16/17! :)

How To Play

D to walk, Space to shoot, A to detonate and skip the intro, S to stop. You can now change the mech. Press the 1 key for the Rift mech, and the 2 key for the Xoxylus mech. It helps if you press the key and THEN start the game, because the game doesn't need to be running for it to work. UPDATED! If it does not work, it is a problem with your computer, NOT with the project.




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