Dragon (Animated)
Game Introduction
I NEED voice actors for a Mario Movie I am making! If you are interested go to: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1000806265/ @Preacher10 code + art Pixabay - sounds Hobbit Movie Series by JRR Tolkin for dragon idea. ALL ADVERTISMENTS WILL BE REPORTED AND DELETED
How To Play
I NEED voice actors for a Mario Movie I am making! If you are interested go to: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1000806265/ Press keys 1 and 2 to switch Dragon Heads Playing around with some more animations. I added legs and arms and fixed the clone problem!!! I added dragon roar and sound. FEATURED!!!!!!!!! THX SOOOOOOO MUCH Scratch Team! My 1st Feature!!! thank you so much!!!!
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