No WTL for this week, sorry :(
Game Introduction
Talia, Feldspar, and the story are ownly partially mine, I did not write the dialogue. Art is mine however, so no stealies :>
How To Play
Hey peoples, sorry, no WtL chapter this week. Two really big things came up last week resulting in me being a part of the biggest collaboration I've ever been a part of (sneak peak in the project), and my school's creative writing club is taking writing submissions for a pamphlet/mini magazine thing. As a result, I've been really busy trying to get an entire chapter of the graphic novel/collab project done by the submission due date (tomorrow) in order to be able to submit it, along with revising my personal writing project, the Messengers. I'll try to make up for it with some sort of a special competition for WtL or something, idk. Sorry about the delays~
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