Celebrating 10,000,000 Scratchers
Game Introduction
From sushijungle10 entertainment, @sushijungle10 and Tem Tem would like to congratulate Scratch on over 10 million users! Please remix to show your support! Credit to @ceebee for the original project! 2-24-16- Featured!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3-14-16 (Pi Day)- What the Community is Remixing P.S. The person who looks like the doctor, is my OC.
How To Play
Wooooo!! Scratch is officially home to 10,000,000 users! *does celebration dance* :D Thanks for helping make the Scratch Community such a magical place!! <3 Please remix this! I would love to see your version of a celebration dance! :)
Game Information
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Collection Count
1.7k favorites