Scratching Dawn - Episode 2 (old)

Game Introduction

Table Of Contents - ☞ I n f o ☞ R e q u i r e m e n t s ☞ C r e d i t s ☞ M o r e - ✙I n f o✙ Yes, this is it, it has finally arrived! I would like to apologize for the huge delay but I did restart this from scratch two times as I was not satisfied with the result and would not like to spend a huge period of time and give you a "unfinished" result. Also all the characters are going with my scratch character 2.0 designs to co operate with other scratch related projects. - Requirements You need a good processor, preferable to use chrome best results. If it lags turn off snow in options. - ⎚Credits⎚ @LightningBoltGames and @Datowda helped work on the original episode 2 which if they complete it go check it out as a extra non canon piece, but seriously they did help alot. Music - TelltaleGames Scratch - @cutupuss Tera - @mezzadonut Giga - @gracium0 Nano - @jordanacan Pico - @thefriendliestderp - M o r e Original Version Of Episode 2 - Here's some other scratchers you should checkout that make similar story games as well! @classicrampage @thefriendliestdurp @dtkid67 @giga-reload check out this amazing project! Views - 50 = 1st April 100 = 1st April 500 = 2nd april 1000 = 3rd April 5000 = 7th April 10,000 = May *CLICK ON THE SCREEN AND NEVER CLICK OFF THE GAME SCREEN OR ELSE BUTTONS WILL GO TO SLEEP

How To Play

Check out the new remake of Scratching Dawn here!




Game Information

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